Friday, June 29, 2012

see different Kongrey at abroad and local , Mech dae mouy na sart Cheang?

Oun ort hean te Klach mae vay na bong hahahaha, Khmer funny word

Lok mjas touch today have report Tean, So funny boy

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Jong somlap Kloun Tae Klach Pos, min hean jong kor hahaha, I need to go huey

Tov na ors huey? mean nake online ort nung? so bored hehehehe

Pek Jas Pol tha chkout Bi Kor: the cycle of life in the world

Reading is the way, it is the root of wisdom, so Please read alot

Mech Pra neang Chleat Leng Facebook teat, How is the comment today?

Lokta Derm Cher Nis mean Bun man derm Tov? how many are there?

Jam Bach Dam ey jrean dam tae mouy eat min ors phong , good for planting this tree

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Monday, June 25, 2012

Kom Kat Pek,, ort sok phong, becareful my hair cut..

Papa Propun Papa aeng Vai Kjom teat huey, Papa your wife beat me

thver mech tov, ber oun thver bab bong yang nis, why you do like this to me ?

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Yok Chnas Kloun Tep proser...

ber min douch stop laugh ma Jivit mong